Manipulating Porous Matter
We are pleased to welcome a new PhD student to our group!
After doing his honours program and master thesis at the Ameloot group, Robbe now joins the group as A PhD student, continuing his work on the developement of a novel technique for measuring multicomponent adsorption and diffusion in nanoporous materials.
A warm welcome to Robbe!
After successfully completing the public defense of her thesis, Lore was awarded her Ph.D.! Her Ph.D. research focused on 3D printed power sources for point-of-care diagnostics.
Congratulations Dr. Van Looy!
After finishing his PhD in Applied Chemistry and Polymeric Materials at Basque country university and Borealis in a Marie Curie industrial framework, Sebastian started a Postdoc position at KU Leuven in recycling plastics.
In the Ameloot group, he will continue his research on the characterization and sorting of alternatives to recycling black plastics.
A warm welcome to Sebastián!
After finishing her M.Sc. in Photonics at the Warsaw University of Technology, Aleksandra started a joint PhD between TU Dublin and KU Leuven as a part of the MSCA SENNET Project - Porous Networks for Gas Sensing.
In the Ameloot group, she will continue her research on the development of optical microstructures functionalised with MOFs for the detection of volatile organic compounds.
We are pleased to welcome a new PhD student to the Ameloot group!
After her Bachelor in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Lotte graduated as a Master in Drug Development. During her Master’s thesis, she investigated formulation screening and Fused Deposition 3D printing of ASD tablets.
In the Ameloot group, her research will be focused on 3D printed gastroretentive dosage forms for timed multidrug release.
A warm welcome to Lotte!
We are pleased to welcome a new postdoc to the Ameloot group!
Miriam de J. Velasquez-Hernandez received her PhD degree from the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM). During her doctoral studies, she explored the synthesis of hydrogen-bonded organic frameworks (HOFs) using organo-bis(silane-triols) as molecular building blocks. Then, she joined Graz University of Technology (TU Graz, Austria) as a CONACyT postdoctoral fellow, where she explored the synthesis of MOF-based biocomposites for drug delivery applications. Subsequently, she studied the fabrication of oriented MOF films and patterns for optical devices.
In the Ameloot group, her research will be focused on the synthesis and in-situ characterization of MOFs for multi-component separation. Simultaneously, she will explore the ceramic to MOF vapor-phase transformation.
A warm welcome to Miriam!
After successfully completing the public defense of her thesis, Hanne was awarded her Ph.D.! Her Ph.D. research focused on a novel method to improve the efficacy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) through 3D printing.
Congratulations Dr. Vanduffel!
After writing her Master's thesis at the Ameloot group working on integrating MOFs in a gas sensing structure, Leen now joins the group as a Ph.D. student.
During the following years, she will implement a novel methodology to efficiently study multicomponent isotherms and mass transfer properties of fast-diffusing molecules in MOFs.
We look forward to this interesting line of research, welcome Leen!
Masaya obtained his Master’s degree in chemistry from Keio University in Japan, his thesis covered the modification of MOFs from ZnO electrodes in dye-sensitized solar cells. He now joins the Ameloot group as a Ph.D. student. His joint Ph.D. project between KU Leuven and TU Dublin focuses on the development of MOF-based capacitive sensors for VOC detection.
A warm welcome to Masaya!