Manipulating Porous Matter
The 3D-Flow Assay is made up of a porous body with precise spatial control over the internal surface chemistry. This novel concept is used to create 3D capillary flow channels and install mechanisms for chemical amplification and readout. The assay is entirely passive and enables complex and multiple testing as is demonstrated for the immunoglobin E (IgE) ELISA test.
State-of-the-art point-of-care diagnostics require complex periphery.
Low cost and scalable manufacturing process
Equipment-free evaluation is possible for positive/negative diagnosis.
Independent of user expertise – no training required.
Complexity is not limiting – one technology and process for all wicking structures
with fluidic control elements
Passive – self-driven by capillarity
Fast development iteration
Step 1: Convert lab protocol(s) into a CAD-model of a 3D-assay
Step 2: Print the 3D-assay based on a porous medium and functional inks.
Step 3: Test the 3D-assay. If needed, optimize the CAD-model and re-print.
Pat n° WO2018162476
We are looking for a partner(s) with expertise in the development and sales of medical diagnostics and a strategic interest to develop complex assays either by collaboration or by patent/technology transfer.
The Ameloot Group
KU Leuven
Centre for Membrane Separations, Adsorption, Catalysis, and Spectroscopy for Sustainable Solutions (cMACS)
Leuven Chem&Tech
Celestijnenlaan 200F – box 2454
3001 Leuven, Belgium
Contact: Dr. Bart van Duffel (Innovation Manager)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +32 16 19 43 85
KU Leuven
Willem De Croylaan 42
3001 Leuven, Belgium
Contact: Prof. Jeroen Lammertyn
Email: [email protected]