Manipulating Porous Matter
Coming from Brussels or Liege
Coming from Hasselt / Eindhoven / Aachen
Coming form Brussels National Airport "Zaventem" (between Brussels and Leuven, near E40 highway), you can direcly come by taxi (travel duration: 15 min, cost: about 60 EUR).
The direct train connection between airport and Leuven is another possibility (about €8, two trains per hour), which takes about 15 minutes. Once arrived at Leuven train station, you simply need to take the bus 2 "Heverlee Campus" to the last stop. Rates/schedule available on NMBS website.
Once arrived at Leuven train station, you simply need to take the bus 2 "Heverlee Campus" to the last stop. Bus rates/schedule available on De Lijn website
Once arrived at Leuven train station, you simply need to take the bus 2 "Heverlee Campus" to the last stop.
Train rates/schedule available on NMBS website
Bus rates/schedule available on De Lijn website
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Ameloot Group
Centre for Membrane Separations, Adsorption, Catalysis, and Spectroscopy
Centrum voor Membraanscheidingen, Adsorptie, Katalyse en Spectroscopie
Leuven Chem&Tech
Celestijnenlaan 200F – box 2454
3001 Leuven
Administrative Contact: Annelies Vanvlasselaer